Easter is getting back to normal in 2021 but many places are still in a pretty strict no-gathering lockdown state of mind. Other families are simply keeping all family members six feet distant for safety against the Corona Virus. But many people are simply forgetting that another deadly and expensive issue is creeping into our holiday dinners and it is simply the food and drinks that we are consuming. Many people are not taking enough precautions to protect their dental health during this season of gatherings and good food and drinks. This is also the time where many people forget to brush their teeth and it can have big issues. Now, that Easter is about here, I want to go over some simple things you and your family can do to stay away from the dentist this holiday and summer season.
If you have a schedule, do not change it. Keep up your good dental routines, or get in one now! Many people have a great pattern for their daily life but slack a bit when they are on holidays or visiting people. The average amount of brushing that we should be doing according to the American Dental Association is two brushes a day and for at least two minutes for each brushing. This is a great start and lots of Americans are failing to actually do this amount of brushing on a daily basis. Don't fret, if you are not here yet. Today is a good day to start!
When it comes to habits, nothing works better for me than an actual fright. This means I use my phone alarm a lot. To me, it is all about having a habit that is instilled in my life. In order to do this, I set alarms for thirty days and followed through on brushing my teeth two to three times a day. This allowed me to keep a protective layer of toothpaste on my teeth throughout the entire day and night. This is a great thing to do and to keep up with on this holiday season. But make sure you are able to brush your teeth when you are even away from home.
You can get out and buy a mini toothbrush that you can trash right after dinner. I like to keep a pack of them in my pocket so after a nice holiday meal with friends, family or simply at work, I am able to head out and do a quick brushing in the bathroom. I found it to be easy to do and fast to simply pull out a disposable brush and to protect my teeth. I have also found that I look much better by getting all that extra food out of my mouth and off my teeth. This is an easy way to help stay safe and to keep my tooth enamel at a good level and not to erode away. So even if you find this not to be an easy thing to do it is simply worth it to have safe and protected teeth in the long run. That is a key thing to being healthy.
So make sure you are on a good dental habit. Then make sure to keep brushing during the Easter candy-filled holiday! You need to!